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Churches of Halasuru


Churches are a big part of Halasuru, so we wanted to explore the rich history. We started by visiting The Holy Trinity Church. This Church is about 172 years old. The Church had fascinating stone carvings about the history of the British. The services were held in Tamil, Kannada and English. We talked to the security guard and learned about their membership program, where on a monthly basis you will have to pay a certain amount of money to the Church to help pay for the burial ground, building fund, poor fund, etc. The first few rows were allocated for the Christian military generals and their families who helped maintain the Church during the 80s.






















The second Church we went to was East Parade Church. This Church’s architecture was different from the other Churches. Quite frankly, there wasn’t much to see or anyone we could talk to since we went during lunch hours. The services here are conducted in Tamil and Malayalam.


The Wesleyan Church, the last Church we went to, was a hunt. We were trying to find the church all around Car Street, Halasuru, when we finally found it. It was closed because we came a little too early. That was pretty disappointing. Bird poop fell on my head so that was damn fun. Fun fact (apart from bird poop) East Parade church used to be called Wesleyan Mission Chapel. It was renamed to East Parade because of the location, it is located east side of the parade ground (currently known as Manekshaw Parade Ground) This is our experience with the Churches of Halasuru :)






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